Wisdom of Dogs

I'm a dog lover.

I think about odd things.

Things like:  What is my dog thinking?  What can I learn from my dog? 

Wisdom of Dogs Sandy tech support

First thing I learned with Sandy is that dogs are not good at tech support.

Sandy tried, but alas, it was up to the human to sort it out. I guess having thumbs gave me an advantage.

She did provide emotional support, licking my face as I tried to sort out the wiring. Very Helpful! 

Enjoy Book 1 of the Wisdom of Dogs series.

Mindfulness for Dog Lovers

A year long journey toward Mindfulness guided of course by my dogs.

Mindfulness for Dog Lovers book cover blue

We all have that one dog.

Meet Huff

We all have that one dog. The one that, no matter how old we get or how long ago we lost them, stays with us.  Imprinted on our soul. An old picture will bring a bittersweet tear to the eye and a smile to our lips.

I've loved all my dogs. I'm grateful to all of them and the memories they left behind.

But Huff, he was the one. 

You'll get to learn more about him later. If I can ever get my screen to stop blurring - must be something in my eye.

Wisdom of Dogs Huff smile small

Some advice from my furry companions:

cute dogs visit sick friend
wisdom of dogs herding dogs

© Copyright Suzanne Grosser

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